Saturday, December 28, 2013

Judge me by my size do you?

We've been to every Disney park Orlando has to offer this week.  We got souvenirs for everyone in our family.  I got a hoodie with Minnie Mouse on it, David got a hoodie with a Goofy on it, appropriate, huh?  Baby girl got a couple of Harley Davidson onesies, and Will got a black t-shirt that says, "Judge me by my size do you?"  A direct quote from Yoda himself.  I can't even explain how appropriate this shirt is for Will.  He is still such a little guy but in many ways and many times a day he surprises me with how much he has learned and can do.  Just today, he started wiping his mouth with a napkin between every bite of yogurt.  I don't know where this came from because admittedly David and I aren't very good at doing that for him.  :-)